Thursday, 23 July 2009

The Ethnic Cleansing of Britain Continues: Less than Half of Bristol’s Schoolchildren are White British

Less than half of the schoolchildren in Bristol’s city centre are of white British extraction, chilling evidence of the rapid ethnic cleansing of Britain’s indigenous population.

The shocking statistics are revealed in a new report for Bristol City Council by the Institute of Community Cohesion (ICoCo) which also found that Bristol has nine nursery and primaries where more than a quarter of pupils are of Somali origin, including two where the proportion is more than half.

Four secondary schools have more than 10 percent Somali pupils, the report continued. In total, four percent of all schoolchildren in the city are of Somali origin, a total of one in every 25 pupils. The number has rocketed from less than one in 500 eight years ago.

The report also predicted that the proportion of non-British children in Bristol is likely to rise quickly because the number of births to Somali mothers in the city is also rising rapidly — up from about 60 in 2001 to 270 in 2005.

While Somalis are the largest group, Bristol has seen new arrivals from almost 100 other countries since the start of the millennium. Less than half of the children in schools in inner-city Bristol now “come from white British backgrounds,” the report reveals.

The report based its figures on the 2008 pupil information survey of all state schools and National Insurance registrations for non-UK nationals.

The study was carried out last year and based on 32 individual interviews and 118 people seen at eight focus groups.

“Schools are becoming increasingly diverse at a much faster rate than the Bristol population as a whole,” the report said.

“Demographic changes have occurred swiftly and without warning in some schools, with potentially destabilising effects.”

The report says that “without rapid and effective action, like many similar cities in the UK, we could find ourselves in a situation where schools are increasingly socially and ethnically divided. We are committed to taking action to prevent this happening.”

This process is nothing less than the systematic ethnic cleansing of the indigenous population of Britain, a phenomenon described by British National Party leader Nick Griffin as “bloodless genocide.”

This displacement of the British people by masses of immigrants is also a violation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as adopted by the General Assembly Resolution 61/295 on 13 September 2007.

That declaration specifically states, in article 8, that “Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.”

Furthermore, the UN declaration goes on to state that governments are obligated to “provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:

(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;

(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;

(c) Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights; and

(d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration.”

fn-coverRecommended reading: Folk and Nation: Underpinning the Ethno-State

By Arthur Kemp and Nick Griffin.

This is the first of a planned series of ideological handbooks, initially distributed to voting members of the BNP. The booklet explains in detail the concept of ethno-nationalism.

It is divided into the following subheadings:

Ethnic Nationalism — A Definition.

Central Tenets of Ethno-Nationalism.

Underlying Concepts of Ethno-Nationalism.

The Implications of Ethno-Nationalism.

The Practical Application of Ethno-Nationalism.

Attacks on Ethno-Nationalism.

How to Argue the Case for Ethno-Nationalism.

This booklet will provide all the answers underpinning the non-racist argument for Britain to remain a British country. It is invaluable for anyone wishing to understand a crucial part of BNP policy and modern democratic nationalist ideology.

Softcover, new version, includes United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples on back cover, 26 pp. £4.00 Click here to order.

News from BNP

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Spain and Portugal go big on thinking small

The leaders of Spain and Portugal have inaugurated a joint scientific research facility they hope will become a world leader in technology on a miniscule scale. Nanotechnology deals in the ultra-tiny – manipulating and controlling materials where measurements are made in billionths of a metre.
Spain’s King Juan Carlos and Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero joined Portugal’s President Cavaco Silva and premier Jose Socrates at the Iberian International Nanotechnology Laboratory in Braga, 350 kilometres north of Lisbon.
Researchers work directly with the atoms and molecules of materials – a level where they behave quite differently from normal. It is a branch of science with wide-ranging potential; from medicine to mobile phones.
Put simply, re-arrange the atoms in coal, and you get a diamond. Shift the atoms in sand, and it could become a computer chip. They are planning to recruit 200 of the world’s top nanotechnology scientists once the centre opens fully in the middle of next year.

Source: Euronews

"Floating gayparty" arrives to Tallinn on Saturday.

In saturday 25.July arrives to Tallinn Port "floating gayparty". It's an boat named Eurodan reserved by gay's with 2100 passangers.

2100 passanger capacity shit starts his tour "Summer Grand Batlic Tour" in 22.July from Copenhagen and stop's in Tallinn in July. Boat stay's 8 hours and then leaves.

Now this isn't's wants to legalice gay marriage and now makeing somekind of tours across Baltic states. When will the EU realize that this isn't normal behavior for humans. People must come to theyr sences that tolerance dont do any good to us and our children.

Peter Tierney Defiant in the Face of Continued Police Harassment

Liverpool British National Party activist Peter Tierney has vowed to fight the continued police harassment against himself and the party in that city to the bitter end. Speaking to BNP News immediately after being informed by the Merseyside police this afternoon that he had been charged with assault, Mr Tierney said he was innocent and would prove it.
“This is what the BNP gets when it defends itself,” Mr Tierney said. “We were distributing leaflets on St George’s Day when the extremist leftists attacked us. We had to defend ourselves, along with our old folk and women, and now I get charged with assault. So this is how democracy works,” he said.
“What this means is that if the BNP dares to defend itself against the proven violence of the far left and its Labour and Tory-supported organisations, then we get charged.”
Mr Tierney said this turn of events was a gross miscarriage of justice, and that he would most certainly fight the matter right to the very end, no matter what the cost.
“The bail conditions mean that I am not allowed to enter the city, which is where my living is. They are denying me my right to earn my keep with these measures. This is nothing butt harassment.
“I am determined not to let the Merseyside police and the Tory and Labour-backed violent extremist leftists succeed in their plan to continue this harassment,” Mr Tierney said. “We are a growing force, and they have forgotten that we now have elected public representatives at the most senior level of government. We are not going to take this lying down.”
Mr Tierney thanked the 50 or so supporters — some of whom had travelled from as far away as Scotland to attend his hearing — who turned out to demonstrate opposite Liverpool’s St Anne’s police station this afternoon.
“I know some of them, like Steve Coulthard from Halifax and Derek Mills from Stirling, travelled a long way, and Liverpool BNP is proud to have firm friends and supporters like that,” he said. “I know it is an effort for people to take off work and get out here, but my friends have done it, and with the support of the whole BNP, we are determined to give these fascists a legal lesson which will put an end to this sort of nonsense once and for all,” Mr Tierney concluded.
* The new court date has been set for 5 August. See you all there.

News from BNP

One Million’ Failed Asylum Invaders Get Free NHS Treatment

British taxpayers will be forced to pay for the medical care of ‘a million’ failed asylum invader scroungers as from today, the Labour Party Government has announced.
In terms of an announcement made by health minister Ann Keen, National Health Service treatment will be available for “failed asylum seekers to ensure their human rights are honoured.”
Prior to today, all ‘asylum’ scroungers were given free NHS treatment while their applications were “being considered” but this service stopped — in theory, anyway — once their applications had been refused.
The announcement by Ms Keen means failed applicants who are destitute or cannot return home “through no fault of their own,” will be entitled to free care.
Official figures say there are about 450,000 failed ‘asylum’ scroungers in Britain who have refused to leave even though their applications have been turned down.
Independent think tank MigrationWatch has already responded by saying that the new move will open the floodgates to “up to a million illegal immigrants.”
Migrationwatch chairman Sir Andrew Green said the rules gave the “green light” for illegal immigrants to get free NHS care.
“This is possible because GPs can put patients on their books without checking if they are entitled to free care,” Sir Andrew said. “This is yet another capitulation to the immigration lobby. No wonder they are queuing up in Calais.”
Ms Keen said in the House of Commons that “Persons seeking refuge or asylum are already exempted from charges for the duration of their application, including the full appeal process.
“The Government has not been persuaded that this full exemption should be extended to all whose application has failed but have not yet left the country.
“It has however recognised the case for those whose claim has been refused but who are being supported by the UK Border Agency because they would otherwise be destitute, have children-and/or because it is impossible to return home through no fault of their own. It is therefore proposed that an exemption from charges is extended to this group.”
The British National Party is the only political party which has spoken out against the entire ‘asylum’ racket. International conventions state very clearly that people fleeing persecution have the right of asylum in the first safe country nearest to the one they are fleeing — and no others.
People do not have a right to cross twenty safe countries to get to soft touch Britain.
There are, therefore, no legal asylum seekers in Britain at all and none have any right to scrounge off the goodwill of the British people for a minute longer.

News from BNP

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Estonian Ministry of Juctice wants to legalice gay marriage.

Since when Lithuania limited the gay speeches in media,estonias ministry of justice is thinking now how to legalice gay marriage. They want to show how tolerant estonians are. Well they havent asked any questions from estonians. They just make the decision by theyrselves,who cares what people think. We think diffrently and were in why not? Let's do it?
Most of estonians are pretty upset to such thing accure.

US terror policy report delayed

A key report on the detention of terrorism suspects ordered by US President Barack Obama will be delayed by six months, officials have said.

Mr Obama commissioned the report as part of his efforts to close the US detention centre at Guantanamo Bay by the beginning of next year.

Analysts say this delay raises doubts about his ability to meet the deadline.

Officials attributed it to the need to ensure the review was comprehensive and to consult thoroughly with Congress.

They said another report on the interrogation of suspects and their transfer to other countries would be delayed by two months.

However, a task force did send an interim report setting out legal goals for handling terrorism suspects in the future.

We want to get this right and not to have another multiple years of uncertainty around these issues
Unnamed Obama administration official

"Where appropriate, prosecution of those responsible must occur as soon as possible, whether in federal court or before a military commission," the interim report said.

It also said justice could not be done unless suspects are proved guilty "in a court of law that affords them a full and fair opportunity to contest the charges against them".

'Get this right'

The reports were ordered in the wake of Mr Obama's announcement that he would close the Guantanamo Bay prison by 22 January 2010. Administration officials say that this deadline still holds.

But, reports the BBC's Jane O'Brien in Washington, there are still a number of major problems - what to do with the remaining detainees being the biggest.

Fewer than 20 out of about 245 inmates have been transferred from the detention centre in the six months since Mr Obama signed an order to close it within a year, the Associated Press news agency reports.

More than 50 inmates have been cleared for transfer overseas. Mr Obama has said others will be tried by modified military commissions or in US courts.

The administration is also open to the possibility of indefinitely holding detainees who cannot be transferred or tried, though this has not yet been applied.

In Washington lawmakers from both parties have opposed the idea of transferring detainees to US soil.

Congress has asked the administration for a detailed plan on how Guantanamo will be shut before it releases funds for its closure.

Administration officials said delays over submitting reports were granted to conduct reviews that were as thorough as possible.

One unnamed official was quoted as saying the administration wanted to present a plan with "legal foundation".

"We want to get this right and not to have another multiple years of uncertainty around these issues," the official said.

The Guantanamo Bay detention centre was set up in January 2002 to hold suspects deemed to be "enemy combatants".

Human rights groups and some foreign governments have long criticised the prison.

Source: BBC News

Terrified Merseyside Police Swoop on BNP’s ‘Punish the Pigs’ Truck—for Its Number Plate

Five terrified and jumpy Merseyside police officers swooped on the famous Manchester British National Party’s ‘Punish the Pigs’ truck this afternoon — and issued owner Derek Adams with a caution for the numbers on its rear number plate ‘being too thin.’

The astonishing incident took place outside St Anne’s police station in Liverpool this afternoon, where super activist Mr Adams had taken the truck in support of Mr Peter Tierney’s bail appearance.

The Merseyside police, clearly upset at the large amount of public support the BNP crowd and truck received — by way of hoots and cheers from passing motorists — panicked and ordered a police car with no less than five officers to swoop on the truck.

Pulling up to the Pig Truck and swerving in behind it like boy racers, the five officers, complete with stab-proof vests and sullen faces, ordered the driver and Mr Adams out and began looking for something to say about the truck.

Mr Adams is, of course, an old hand with state harassment, having recently exposed the extremist leftist corruption within Manchester City Hall, and he let the officers search high and low while he stood to one side with a large smile on his face.

Finally, the only thing that the jobsworths could find to do was to issue Mr Adams with a caution that the numbers on the truck’s rear licence plate were “too thin” and that he needed to get a new plate made.

The officers — who strangely objected to being filmed and photographed by numerous BNP supporters in the area — then jumped back into their car and sped off, obviously in search of equally important criminal acts.

derek-adams-with-numberplateSpeaking to BNP News after the incident, Mr Adams dismissed it as “nonsense. This truck has been on the road since before the June European elections, and no policeman has ever said anything of that sort before.

“Of course I will get a new rear number plate for the truck, but if they think they can frighten the BNP away with such childish scare tactics, they are badly mistaken.”

Peter Tierney Defiant in the Face of Continued Police Harassment

Liverpool British National Party activist Peter Tierney has vowed to fight the continued police harassment against himself and the party in that city to the bitter end. Speaking to BNP News immediately after being informed by the Merseyside police this afternoon that he had been charged with assault, Mr Tierney said he was innocent and would prove it.

“This is what the BNP gets when it defends itself,” Mr Tierney said. “We were distributing leaflets on St George’s Day when the extremist leftists attacked us. We had to defend ourselves, along with our old folk and women, and now I get charged with assault. So this is how democracy works,” he said.

“What this means is that if the BNP dares to defend itself against the proven violence of the far left and its Labour and Tory-supported organisations, then we get charged.”

Mr Tierney said this turn of events was a gross miscarriage of justice, and that he would most certainly fight the matter right to the very end, no matter what the cost.

“The bail conditions mean that I am not allowed to enter the city, which is where my living is. They are denying me my right to earn my keep with these measures. This is nothing butt harassment.

“I am determined not to let the Merseyside police and the Tory and Labour-backed violent extremist leftists succeed in their plan to continue this harassment,” Mr Tierney said. “We are a growing force, and they have forgotten that we now have elected public representatives at the most senior level of government. We are not going to take this lying down.”

Mr Tierney thanked the 50 or so supporters — some of whom had travelled from as far away as Scotland to attend his hearing — who turned out to demonstrate opposite Liverpool’s St Anne’s police station this afternoon.

“I know some of them, like Steve Coulthard from Halifax and Derek Mills from Stirling, travelled a long way, and Liverpool BNP is proud to have firm friends and supporters like that,” he said. “I know it is an effort for people to take off work and get out here, but my friends have done it, and with the support of the whole BNP, we are determined to give these fascists a legal lesson which will put an end to this sort of nonsense once and for all,” Mr Tierney concluded.

* The new court date has been set for 5 August. See you all there.

Source: BNP News

Monday, 20 July 2009

British soldier killed by bomb while on patrol in Afghanistan

A British soldier was killed by a bomb blast in southern Afghanistan while on a foot patrol, the Ministry of Defence said today.

The serviceman, from The 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, died yesterday morning in Sangin, in northern Helmand province. Next of kin have been informed.

His death takes to 186 the total number of British military personnel to be killed since the conflict began in 2001.

It is the latest in a surge of casualties over the past month, many as a result of Operation Panchai Palang — Panther's Claw — a major assault against the Taleban ahead of August elections. The soldier who died yesterday was not taking part in this operation.

A military spokesman for Task Force Helmand said: "We grieve for his loss and join with his family and friends to mourn his passing."

The soldier’s death comes amid a growing debate over the provision of helicopters to British troops in Afghanistan to limit the amount of time they need to spend travelling by road — a mode of transport that makes them an easy target for roadside bombs, the biggest killer of coalition forces in Afghanistan.

Lord Mandelson delivered a barely coded rebuke yesterday to John Hutton after the former Defence Secretary said that the desire on the frontline for more help was unequivocal and that it was “going to take more resources to properly execute” Britain’s military strategy.

Lord Mandelson responded by saying that British troops were “well supported ... stemming from decisions taken by John Hutton as Defence Secretary”. He said that future provision would be kept under review and that General Stanley McChrystal, the US and allied commander in Afghanistan, would assess what was needed.

Bring our men back from there! Let those muslims kill each's better to all of us!

Obama's population drops below 50% in Ohio

Fox News reports: “Patience may be wearing thin for President Obama’s economic initiatives to produce results — at least in Ohio — as a new poll shows the president’s popularity plunging in that critical swing state. The president’s approval ratings from Ohio voters dropped from 62 percent in May to 49 percent this month in a new Quinnipiac University poll, making it the first state in which Obama’s job approval has dipped below 50 percent… Unemployment in Ohio, at 10.8 percent, is well above the national average, and that appears to be having an impact on Buckeye residents.”

Ohio, you may remember, is one of the so-called “battleground states” –one of a few states that in our anachronistic electoral college system actually determine who gets elected President.

Ohio is also a state where ACORN-related vote fraud was rampant during the 2008 election, with state registrars challenging hundreds of thousands of winos, homeless transients, convicted felons, babies and dead or never-existent “new voters” registered for the Democrats by ACORN. These challenges came after the election and have been quietly swept under the carpet, as they have been deep-sixed in Pennsylvania and all the other states where ACORN was so active in rigging the election for the Democrats.

Causes have effects. Our economy is headed for a cliff and Obama is stepping on the accelerator instead of the brake. There have been trillions of dollars in bail outs and stimulus spending, which have made no discernible difference whatsoever. Ordinary Americans are getting pink slips and having their homes foreclosed with increasing frequency. Obama’s vice president Joe Biden recently said that we need to spend more money to avoid going bankrupt.

Ohio is the state where the Marshall family of Akron was attacked by a mob of about fifty negro “youth” and brutally beaten on the Fourth of July weekend, while their black racist attackers screamed “It’s a black world!” and “It’s all ours now!”

How do you like your “change” now, Ohio?

Alarming Africa male gay HIV rate!

HIV rates among gay men in some African countries are 10 times higher than among the general male population, says research in medical journal the Lancet.

The report said prejudice towards gay people was leading to isolation and harassment, which in turn led to risky sexual practices among gay communities.

But the risks are not limited to gay men, as many of the infected also have female sexual partners.

The report called for greater education and resources in the fight against HIV.

The Oxford University researchers found that the prevalence of HIV/Aids among gay men in sub-Saharan African has been "driven by cultural, religious and political unwillingness to accept [gay men] as equal members of society".

Lead researcher Adrian Smith told the BBC there was "profound stigma and social hostility at every level of society concerning either same-sex behaviours amongst men, or homosexuality".

"This has the consequence that this group becomes extremely hard to reach," he said.

Mr Smith said that gay male sex had always been acknowledged as being particularly dangerous in terms of contracting HIV/Aids.

But gay men were also more likely to be involved in other high-risk behaviours, including sex work, having multiple partners and being in contact with intravenous drug use, he said.

Education crucial

George Kanuma, a gay rights activist in Burundi, told the BBC many men "hide their sexual orientation" to get married and have children, but continue to have sex with men.

"Most of them know that you can contract HIV/Aids or any infection when you are making sex with women, but not when you are having sex with another man," he said.

Mr Smith said there was "a desperate need for delivering a basic package of prevention for HIV", including ensuring supplies of condoms.

"There is also a need to sensitise, educate and train those involved in HIV, the interface with men who have sex with men, to educate those involved in care and prevention activities," he said.

The United Nations Aids agency estimates that 33 million people in the world have HIV, of whom two-thirds live in sub-Saharan Africa.

Big amounts of illegal immigrants are comeing from sub-Saharan Africa. See this as a big warning to Europe!they carry deseases from theyr country to ours.

Oldest WWI veteran dies aged 113

Henry Allingham, the world's oldest man and one of the last surviving World War I servicemen, has died at the age of 113, his care home has said.

Mr Allingham served with the Royal Naval Air Service in WWI, later transferring to the Royal Air Force at the time of its creation.

Last month, Mr Allingham, born in 1896, became the world's oldest man.

The Queen said he was "one of the generation who sacrificed so much for us all".

A spokeswoman for Buckingham Palace said the Queen's "thoughts are with his family during this time".

Bosses at his Brighton care home said everybody was "saddened by Henry's loss and our sympathy goes to his family".

His funeral will take place later this month at St Nicholas' Church in Brighton.

Mr Allingham, whose life has spanned three centuries and six monarchs, has five grandchildren, 12 great-grandchildren, 14 great-great grandchildren and one great-great-great grandchild.

His wife Dorothy, who he was married to for more than half a century, died in 1970.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown paid tribute to the war hero, calling him a "tremendous character".

"I had the privilege of meeting Henry many times. He was a tremendous character, one of the last representatives of a generation of tremendous characters," he said.

He added: "My thoughts are with his family as they mourn his passing but celebrate his life."

And Prince Charles described Mr Allingham as "belonging to that incredible generation who did so much for their country".

A Clarence House spokesman said: "The Prince of Wales was sad to hear of the death of Henry Allingham this morning.

"We owe him a huge debt of gratitude for all he has done."

A minute's silence was held at Lord's to mark his passing before play got under way on the third day of the second Ashes test.

'War memories'

Mr Allingham joined the Royal Navy Air Service in September 1915 and served in Ypres before transferring to the RAF in April 1918.

In November last year, he took part in ceremonies to mark the 90th anniversary of the end of WWI.

May his soul rest in peace.

News from BBC

Germany opens "Nazi" gnome case

A garden gnome giving the Nazi salute has landed a German artist in trouble with the authorities in Nuremberg.

Prosecutors are investigating whether the gnome, which went on show in one of the city's galleries, breaks the strict law banning Nazi symbols and gestures.

The Bavarian city is particularly sensitive about the Nazi era because Adolf Hitler used it for big rallies and leading Nazis went on trial there.

The artist, Ottmar Hoerl, says his gnomes poke fun at the Nazis.

"I'm astonished that a single garden gnome, in what is for me an obscure gallery in Nuremberg, has unleashed such a public discussion because of an anonymous denunciation by someone," Mr Hoerl said.

The 59-year-old artist has been president of Nuremberg's Academy of Fine Arts since 2005.

"I didn't put it in the art gallery. Someone must have bought it and put it there. But I don't know what all the fuss is about.

"With my gnomes I'm highlighting the danger of political opportunism and right-wing ideology. I get the feeling that this gnome has reopened an old wound," he said.

The results of the investigation are expected in a few days, the BBC's Berlin correspondent Steve Rosenberg reports, adding that the 40cm (15.7-inch) figure still reminds Germans of a terrifying past.

Last year hundreds of Mr Hoerl's "Nazi" gnomes went on show in the Belgian city of Gent, in an exhibition called "Dance with the Devil".

He said that Belgians had well understood the political meaning "when one portrays the master race as a garden gnome".

"In 1942 I would have been murdered by the Nazis for this work," he said.

A spokesman for the Nuremberg public prosecutor's office, Wolfgang Traeg, said "we're checking to see if garden gnomes fall into the same clear category as posters that show the swastika crossed out".

He said the aim was to establish whether the artist and the gallery owner had intended the gnome as an endorsement of the Third Reich or as a rejection of Nazi ideology.

Mr Traeg referred to a previous case: a swastika which had been graffitied onto a wall. No prosecution was brought because the picture featured a fist smashing the Nazi symbol.

The gallery owner who put the gnome in the window maintains he has done nothing wrong.

"I think it's quite harmless," Erwin Weigl told the BBC.

"It was sitting in the window for two weeks and no one complained. It's a comical figure. All kinds of people have made that gesture. Julius Caesar did it. Even Barack Obama does it now. To me, it looks a bit like when you gesture to a dachshund to jump up to your hand.

Muslim Sex Grooming Trial Jury ‘Quizzed if they belonged to BNP’

A shocking miscarriage of justice occurred during the recent sex grooming trial of seven Muslims in Yorkshire when the jury was quizzed on whether or not they were members of the British National Party — and the judge forbade the media to report this fact.

The shocking intrusion — based purely on political grounds — was made before the trial started when the jury was asked if they had any connections to the BNP.

To make matters worse, Judge Peter Benson then made a court order forbidding the media to even report that the questioning took place — evidence by itself that he knew it was completely out of line.

The trial of the seven Muslims, who are unrepresentative of their community, resulted in three of them (pictured): Mohammed Zackriya, 21; Mohammed Taj, 37; and Mohammed Shabir (Snr), a 36-year-old, father-of-five, all of Yorkshire, being found guilty of 28 sexual offences against an underage white girl. They were sentenced to a total of 18 years in jail.

One of the other accused, Shafaq Hussain, 21, pleaded guilty and will be sentenced at a later date. The case against one, Shahid Iqbal, 25, was dismissed in court, while the remaining two, Abid Ali, 27, and Raj Mohammed Shabir, 32, were found not guilty.

Shabir Snr was given an additional six months in jail for contempt after swearing at and insulting a witness who gave evidence against him.

The victim, now 18, gave evidence in court how she was targeted by the seven Muslims when she was 14 years old and how they carried out a series of sexual offences.

Speaking to a local newspaper after the trial, the unnamed girl said that the trial had allowed her to “start smiling again now. They have taken away my teenage years but they can’t take away the rest of my life. Being in court was a horrible experience — it was like being raped and abused all over again but ten times worse.

“I was being called a liar hour after hour; it was the worst thing I have ever had to go through — it was a nightmare and I can’t believe I did it.

“But I was determined to see justice done. I had an inner strength, somehow — though there were times when I wanted to walk away.

“I think they deserve everything they got — when I was told the verdicts I was crying tears of joy. I really didn’t want Maz (Mohammed Zackriya) and Shabby (Shabir) to get away with what they did to me.

“I still have nightmares about what happened to me — my parents have heard me screaming in my sleep as I shouted: ‘Get off me’.”

Muslim targeting of young white girls for sex is an ever increasing problem in Britain today as the mass Third World immigration invasion increases year upon year. The most usual tactic employed is to identify young impressionable girls. They are then befriended and supplied with drugs before being passed around by large groups of Muslim men for sex.

It is on record that despite the increasing incidents of the crime, the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist. Ann Cryer, a Labour member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, has even raised the issue in Parliament. After a particularly nasty incident which came to trial in 2007, Ms Cryer tried to explain away the Muslim grooming phenomenon by saying that it was because “young Asian men were caught between two cultures having been brought up in a Western society in families while retaining the cultural values of the Asian subcontinent.”

She was also quoted as saying: “The family and cultural norms of their community means they are expected to marry a first cousin or other relative back in a village in Mirapur or wherever the family comes from. Therefore, until that marriage is arranged they look out for sex.

“At the point in their lives when they are ready for this sort of activity, Asians cannot go to Asian girls because it would be a terrible breach of the honour of the community and their family to have sex with an Asian girl before marriage.” She said that the reason Asian men targeted very young white girls was because older white girls knew that a relationship with an Asian youth was unlikely to last as the community would seek an arranged marriage with someone from the Asian subcontinent.

* It remains to be seen if any future juries will be asked if they have links to the Labour Party, or if that miscarriage of justice is directed solely at the BNP.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

All to read!

Reporting crimes against our race is all well and good, but it doesn't spur the (m)asses to act -- and we are powerless to stop these things. It's great to know what's happening in the world, but the secret is: "What can I as an individual do?" to stop or curtail it. Too much of our thinking is about things we cannot control.

We have been doing this for 50 years and have not made a dent! It is proven that simply informing people is a waste of time. In fact, much of what is drawn from the press makes our meager forces despondent, thereby serving the beast. I don't think of myself as a masochist, but it's certainly possible to sink there.

'WORSE IS BETTER' is only good if there is light at the end of the tunnel. We should scour the news from coast to coast to report incidents of resistance, no matter how unpopular they may be to the public. We must encourage our people by showing that there IS a resistance movement. Individual acts in many cases are not even seen as such by their perpetrators, but still feed the totality of evolutionary racist thought. Blacks seem to understand this line of reasoning: "Whatever hurts the 'MAN' is good for us!"

Right Wing racists tend to attack any individual act which they feel will hamper their recruitment from the (M)ASSES. They say: "OH! WE WOULD NEVER DO THAT!" Criminal and other potent action is smeared by the Right instead of being publicly applauded. Cheering behind closed doors or at incestuous 'rallies' serves no purpose.

Do Blacks condemn violent acts by Blacks? For the most part, NO! Usually they are praised and they are supported as heroes, even in the prisons.

What do Right Wing racist groups do? They officially castigate White outlaws as pariahs. POWs are not financially supported in prison, nor are their families supported, other than by individual White Racists.

Blacks realize this is a WAR of blood. Too many Whites see it as a war to mend an anti-White system -- a completely useless 'band-aid' approach! Blacks see it as a WAR against the deteriorating White state. Right Wing racists see it as politics rather than Race War. I'll bet a majority of Right Wing racists voted Republican even though that party spits in their faces every day.

If we are to use politics in any way it should be as White men and women registering 'Independent' and running as RACIST WHITE PEOPLE -- no matter what is thrown at us!

Race is our religion -- ala Ben Klassen. Religions have martyrs. I'm not saying that you must set yourself on fire in front of city hall, but those of you who are not deep cover should be known to all in your locale as openly Racist and Proud of it! As we move in that direction you will see more and more White people moving into your orbit. Others will think you're crazy and stay away from you.

At least once a week here in Indiana someone comes up to me and whispers: "I am with you, how can I help?" or hands me their phone number and says: "Call, I am ready!"

You must be KNOWN as a Proud White Racist for such things to occur. IT IS UP TO YOU.

Tom Metzger

Sink "immigrants" boats.

Pulblished in 8 of July 2009. BBC.

"EU has to sink boats carrying illegal immigrants to prevent them entering Europe" says British National Party leader Nick Griffin.

More and more illegal immigrants comeing to Europe to look better life...most of them are from Egypt and sub-Saharan Africa.

Press asked a question what to do with those on board? " Throw them a life rack and they will swim back to Libya."
This must be stopped,we cant let them to come in any more or soon we will be living in world full of crimes,hatred and killing. More and more crimes are been maked by niggers,muslim and other non white race.

EUROPE MUST CLOSE BOARDERS! Let the europe be for whites..we dont need no race mixers in our country,or soon we will see a war!

Friday, 17 July 2009

Obama: Africa must accept responsibility

President Obama has wound up his whirlwind visit to Ghana, with a high-profile trip to a former slave trading post. Thousands of people flocked to Cape Coast to see him, but few were able to get close.

The President has roots in Kenya, while his wife Michelle’s ancestors were shipped to America as slaves. The tour of Cape Coast will have been deeply emotional for them, and he said his family had experienced the triumphs and tragedies of Africa’s history.

Earlier, he addressed parliament, warning Africa to take more responsibility for its future. The President congratulated Ghana as a model of democracy in Africa, but said every nation on the continent must accept its obligations.

“History is on the move,” the President said. “But these things can only be done if all of you take responsibility for your future. And it will not be easy, it will take time and effort. There will be suffering and setbacks, but I can promise you this, America will be with you every step of the way, as a partner, as a friend.”

It was Obama’s first trip to sub-Saharan Africa as President, and he said Ghana is an example of what can be achieved. Last week’s G8 summit promised to support development, but Obama said real change must begin with Africans themselves.

So..if you read this text you should see that Obama is an immigrant to USA from Kenya. comes out then that any nigger,muslim or jew can be a president of United States?

Gypsies started Canada and Czech Republic visa war!

Canada decided to reintroduce visa requirements because a massive gypsie income.
To answer that threatened Prague to call back theyr ambassedor. Now Czech Republic plans to make visas for Canadian businessman's and diplomat's. And this is all because of gypsies. To we need to have those kind of wars? White eating white because of gypsies. They should just shoot them all or force out of the country..i think even visa wont help them to protect against gypsie invasion. Those bastards will find any way to come to country without visa.

Greek police raid illegal immigration camp

Hundreds of illegal immigrants have been forced from their camp in the Greek port city of Patras.
Police bulldozers and around 80 officers took part in the operation. Those living here were mostly Afghans. But the squalid conditions of the camp prompted complaints from local residents.

Those detained have been moved to hotels in the area, the children to a special centre in the north of Greece. It is not clear if they will be deported.

“This has been a successful and effective, even if late, demolition,” said Patras police chief Thanassis Davlouros. “All legal procedures and measures concerning the future of these people have been taken.”

Greece has often been criticised by international organisations and rights groups for the conditions of its dentention centres. But the conservative government said this month it would get tougher on illegal immigration.

Those who arrive here are mainly from Asia and use the Petras port to move on to other European countries. The Greek Prime Minister will meet with his Italian and Spanish counterparts next week to discuss the problem.

Police say nobody was injured during the operation, although a fire did break out. Two immigrants were arrested for arson.

Every country...who knows there is an illegal immigration camp should use this method. They dont respect country's they are in..takeing away our jobs our privacy.
Few pictures about illegal immigrants:

EU ministers discuss "difficult" illegal immigration.

EU interior ministers gathered in Stockholm to discuss the thorny issue of illegal immigration.

Most agreed that something has to done, but what is yet to be thrashed out.

However, EU Justice Commissioner Jacques Barrot believes the EU should provide safe haven for those suffering persecution.

“The EU must provide asylum for those under threat. No matter what the crisis with its history Europe must welcome those persecuted with open arms.”

Every year thousands of people from Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia risk their lives crossing the Mediterranean and its the Mediterranean states which are in the front line.
They have repeatedly called for other EU states to shoulder some of the burden.

The Greek Interior Minister Prokopios Pavlopoulos claims that:

“Greece’s problems are Europe’s problems, we do not consider them just Greece’s problems. A problem exists with illegal immigration because European borders are not being protected, Greece’s borders are European borders.”

Others believe the bloc should be working with the migrants countries of origin to reduce the number of people wishing to leave their homeland.

EU borders aren't secure,it's easyer to move from one country to another. This is brutally used by illegal immigrants. Moveing country to country without any visa or visa is expired. Most of illegal immigrants are niggers,muslims,jews and other non-aryan race. There is time to act. This is going overhand now..soon they will force us to give them work, a place to live and a passport even?

White Ayran Excistance Supporters!

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