Monday, 20 July 2009

Muslim Sex Grooming Trial Jury ‘Quizzed if they belonged to BNP’

A shocking miscarriage of justice occurred during the recent sex grooming trial of seven Muslims in Yorkshire when the jury was quizzed on whether or not they were members of the British National Party — and the judge forbade the media to report this fact.

The shocking intrusion — based purely on political grounds — was made before the trial started when the jury was asked if they had any connections to the BNP.

To make matters worse, Judge Peter Benson then made a court order forbidding the media to even report that the questioning took place — evidence by itself that he knew it was completely out of line.

The trial of the seven Muslims, who are unrepresentative of their community, resulted in three of them (pictured): Mohammed Zackriya, 21; Mohammed Taj, 37; and Mohammed Shabir (Snr), a 36-year-old, father-of-five, all of Yorkshire, being found guilty of 28 sexual offences against an underage white girl. They were sentenced to a total of 18 years in jail.

One of the other accused, Shafaq Hussain, 21, pleaded guilty and will be sentenced at a later date. The case against one, Shahid Iqbal, 25, was dismissed in court, while the remaining two, Abid Ali, 27, and Raj Mohammed Shabir, 32, were found not guilty.

Shabir Snr was given an additional six months in jail for contempt after swearing at and insulting a witness who gave evidence against him.

The victim, now 18, gave evidence in court how she was targeted by the seven Muslims when she was 14 years old and how they carried out a series of sexual offences.

Speaking to a local newspaper after the trial, the unnamed girl said that the trial had allowed her to “start smiling again now. They have taken away my teenage years but they can’t take away the rest of my life. Being in court was a horrible experience — it was like being raped and abused all over again but ten times worse.

“I was being called a liar hour after hour; it was the worst thing I have ever had to go through — it was a nightmare and I can’t believe I did it.

“But I was determined to see justice done. I had an inner strength, somehow — though there were times when I wanted to walk away.

“I think they deserve everything they got — when I was told the verdicts I was crying tears of joy. I really didn’t want Maz (Mohammed Zackriya) and Shabby (Shabir) to get away with what they did to me.

“I still have nightmares about what happened to me — my parents have heard me screaming in my sleep as I shouted: ‘Get off me’.”

Muslim targeting of young white girls for sex is an ever increasing problem in Britain today as the mass Third World immigration invasion increases year upon year. The most usual tactic employed is to identify young impressionable girls. They are then befriended and supplied with drugs before being passed around by large groups of Muslim men for sex.

It is on record that despite the increasing incidents of the crime, the authorities are unwilling to act because of fears of being labelled racist. Ann Cryer, a Labour member of the Commons Home Affairs Select Committee, has even raised the issue in Parliament. After a particularly nasty incident which came to trial in 2007, Ms Cryer tried to explain away the Muslim grooming phenomenon by saying that it was because “young Asian men were caught between two cultures having been brought up in a Western society in families while retaining the cultural values of the Asian subcontinent.”

She was also quoted as saying: “The family and cultural norms of their community means they are expected to marry a first cousin or other relative back in a village in Mirapur or wherever the family comes from. Therefore, until that marriage is arranged they look out for sex.

“At the point in their lives when they are ready for this sort of activity, Asians cannot go to Asian girls because it would be a terrible breach of the honour of the community and their family to have sex with an Asian girl before marriage.” She said that the reason Asian men targeted very young white girls was because older white girls knew that a relationship with an Asian youth was unlikely to last as the community would seek an arranged marriage with someone from the Asian subcontinent.

* It remains to be seen if any future juries will be asked if they have links to the Labour Party, or if that miscarriage of justice is directed solely at the BNP.

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