Fox News reports: “Patience may be wearing thin for President Obama’s economic initiatives to produce results — at least in Ohio — as a new poll shows the president’s popularity plunging in that critical swing state. The president’s approval ratings from Ohio voters dropped from 62 percent in May to 49 percent this month in a new Quinnipiac University poll, making it the first state in which Obama’s job approval has dipped below 50 percent… Unemployment in Ohio, at 10.8 percent, is well above the national average, and that appears to be having an impact on Buckeye residents.”
Ohio, you may remember, is one of the so-called “battleground states” –one of a few states that in our anachronistic electoral college system actually determine who gets elected President.
Ohio is also a state where ACORN-related vote fraud was rampant during the 2008 election, with state registrars challenging hundreds of thousands of winos, homeless transients, convicted felons, babies and dead or never-existent “new voters” registered for the Democrats by ACORN. These challenges came after the election and have been quietly swept under the carpet, as they have been deep-sixed in Pennsylvania and all the other states where ACORN was so active in rigging the election for the Democrats.
Causes have effects. Our economy is headed for a cliff and Obama is stepping on the accelerator instead of the brake. There have been trillions of dollars in bail outs and stimulus spending, which have made no discernible difference whatsoever. Ordinary Americans are getting pink slips and having their homes foreclosed with increasing frequency. Obama’s vice president Joe Biden recently said that we need to spend more money to avoid going bankrupt.
Ohio is the state where the Marshall family of Akron was attacked by a mob of about fifty negro “youth” and brutally beaten on the Fourth of July weekend, while their black racist attackers screamed “It’s a black world!” and “It’s all ours now!”
How do you like your “change” now, Ohio?
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